Company News

Pfizer Prime Just Got Better

3 years ago, online SAP ordering system Pfizer Prime improved the way distributors, doctors and sales reps ordered from Pfizer. It changed the way that the vaccine sales teams could order for their clients. Since then, Pfizer has experienced a 200% increase in orders, with an average of 4,000 orders/month placed by customers and 3,250 orders/month placed by sales reps. But that was just the beginning.

2012 Pfizer Prime

For nearly a year, Excellis Interactive has been creating an even greater user experience for Pfizer’s customers – better browsing with unique catalog landing pages, quicker ordering with streamline shopping cart functionality and easier tracking with instant access to orders and invoices. The redesigned Prime launched this past Monday, and it didn't take long for customers to notice the change.

"I'm pleasantly surprised with the new website. It's greatly improved, and I'm very happy with the changes," said one customer, only hours after go-live.

2015 Pfizer Prime

With over 10,000 Prime users, Pfizer is on track to process $1.3 billion in sales this year via the internal Pfizer Prime portal and the external customer-facing website. Congratulations to Pfizer and thanks for yet another great collaboration focused on improving the user experience.

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