Boosted Online Sales 22% by Delivering an Intuitive SAP Customer Portal - Pfizer Prime



Custom Application Development
UI & UX Design
Requirements Gathering
Project Management
IT Solutions
SAP Commerce
Cloud Composable Storefront
UI & UX Design
UI Development

Revolutionized Customer Engagement: SAP Portal Reduces Help Desk Calls by 25% and Boosts Online Orders by 22%

Pfizer required an ecommerce and order management solution for healthcare professionals and distributors in their global business markets that would integrate with SAP. Excellis designed and developed the ordering portal Pfizer Prime, a complete online solution for their customers to place and track orders and view and pay invoices. Following its initial deployment in an SAP web channel, Prime was moved to SAP Commerce Cloud platform.

Before Prime, Pfizer had a limited commerce presence, with only one business unit offering online ordering. Once deployed, Pfizer’s entire US Trade catalogs, featuring hundreds of products, were available for online order. Over $50 million/month is now generated in orders for Trade alone. Pfizer Prime was launched initially for Pfizer’s US Trade, Vaccines, Injectables, Hemophilia, and Greenstone businesses. Since its launch, Prime is now used globally in China, Europe, and Africa.

THE challenges

Prescription for Success: Tackling Challenges in Customer Connectivity

Online Sales Platform

Create a platform for sales teams to view customer order information and place orders on behalf of customers.

User Experience

Create a branded online experience Intuitive for new users as well as existing users migrating from legacy platform.

Targeted Products

Allow users to access unique catalogs based on their identity.

Complex Ordering

Most users have multiple accounts they represent, and data integrity is critical.

Enhanced Functionality

Customized features including drop ship, inventory availability check, requested delivery date, scheduled recurring orders upon first submit, NDC Search, contracts, catch allocation and ordering, invoice management, and order tracking were required.


Provide Pfizer employees the ability to leverage internal single sign-on and log in as any customer.

Female pharmacist checking a prescription bottle while looking up information on her computer.
THE results

Triumphs of a Truly Dynamic Customer Portal

Pfizer Prime

Prime was rolled out to a broad user base, including customers who transitioned from placing orders by phone, as well as existing online customers that were already using legacy ecommerce solutions. An overwhelming response to the ease of use was received post go live from all user types.

Enhanced Functionality

Customized features including drop ship, inventory availability check, requested delivery date, scheduled recurring orders with once submit, NDC Search, contracts, catch allocation and ordering, invoice management, and order tracking were required.

Buy on Behalf Of

Pfizer Prime is accessible via Pfizer's internal sales reps and customer service reps, providing staff with the ability to login and view customer information pertaining to orders, invoices, and registered users.

Single-Login Customer Access

Users can login with their registered ID and shop from multiple shops, toggle between their various accounts, and process multiple orders within a single session. Users can also easily view and pay invoices and add/remove users.

Hemophilia Online Solution

Excellis created a unique ordering process that allowed Pfizer to transition from phone orders to online orders while giving their customers a better experience than the limited solutions their competitors could provide in the Hemophilia space. Excellis also added a custom batch and potency selection process into the shopping cart screen that enabled users to shop by various batch and potency types to fulfill their unique orders.

Targeted Products

Excellis built the system to populate unique catalogs specific to user order and browsing history.

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